Gaia Sky 2.2.6
Build e6ef9256e
TGZ package
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DEB package .deb
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RPM package .rpm
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macOS .dmg
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UNIX Installer .sh
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Windows x86-64 .exe
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Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- camera turn depends on fov
- stars with negative parallaxes use default #329
- load VO table crash on Windows #329
- program crash when minimizing in windows #333
- do not assume default location for hip, pass as argument
- file count value when max number of files is specified
- safecheck to prevent window sizes of 0x0 on resize events with AMD graphics on windows
- transition from point to billboard in star shading
- remove rounding in generic dialog positioning for smooth rendering
- adjust brightness scalings, remove unused variables and parameters
- wrong synchronize location in streaming octree loader #332
- camera mode change in SAMP select row call
- goToObject() skip fix
- SAMP local icon to work with dev version and releases
- get object positions by name in particle groups
- fix UI layout of date dialog
- star cluster loader to use mas/yr instead of deg/yr as proper motion units
- several fixes (UI, STIL), see desc
- load multiple catalogs with same name
- slider step and control buttons size
- double stars caused by incorrect shading
Build System
- fix publish-javadoc script
- update build script to latest gradle version
- more robust way to get size and nobjects from generated catalogs
- improve catalog generation scripts for faster deployment
- add/update scripts to build catalogs
- fix build files
- add catalogpack script
- update build and installer scripts to install4j8
- update data descriptor with new base and hi-res texture packs
- add bookmarks and to build, update modes to gradle 6.x
- update to gradle 6.2.2, prepare build files for gradle 7
- pkgbuild epoch set to 2 by default
Code Refactoring
- use java collections instead of libgdx’s, implement parallel loading in octree gen
- update DR2 loader to generic csv loader. Add compatibility mode to binary data format for tycho ids (tgas/DR2)
- ColourUtils -> ColorUtils
- use local application icon for SAMP
- move default location of mappings file to config folder
- fix spacing in focus info interface names
- update data descriptor for new star clusters load mechanism
- star clusters to use the catalog infrastructure
- move all file operations to nio (Path)
- update gaiasky VR info in repo
- improve run from source for Windows in readme file
- update VR docs and readme file to include new VR build
- fix setCameraSpeedLimit() API docs
- fix typos in comments for star/particle groups
- better random text generator
- fov-based visibility, autoremove popups
- adjust size and intensity of stars in milky way model
- add ref epoch to catalog descriptors and loaders
- magnitude and color corrections (reddening, extinction) are now applied by default if ag and ebp_min_rp are available. Flag is now needed to explicitly deactivate them
- redefine eDR3 catalogs
- add procedural star shader, muted for now
- new star shading method
- replace fibonacci numbers for made-up phrases
- update distance font to include more characters
- add crash window with tips and instructions on how to fix/report the problem
- add shortucts for ‘show log’ and ‘open catalog’
- make all limit/target frame rates floating-point numbers
- comments in camera path files: prepend ‘#’ to comment
- limit framerate to target framerate in camrecorder
- API call to record camera path with given filename
- use votable units for star clusters if available
- load star clusters with STIL so that it also works via SAMP
- set fov step to 0.1 to have smoother fov changes
- grid annotations contain degree symbol and sign (latitude only)
- select first object in newly loaded catalogs
- add icons to bookmarks tree
- additional cameraTransition() that accepts camera position in Km
- add folders to bookmarks
- add bookmarks module
- move individual visibility to own dialog
- several UI fixes and QOL improvements
- add label colors to star cluster datasets, update docs ref
- multiple name support for star cluster loader
- add description to star clusters dataset loader
- star clusters can now be loaded with the rest of the catalog info infrastructure
- velocity vectors sliders to use new slider plus
- cap length of long ids in focus info interface, add tooltips, fix skins
- show criteria for catalog chooser
- add sensitivity and power function to controller properties
- adjust focus info style to make it more compact
- add exit confirmation setting and checkbox in preferences window and exit dialog
- add pointer guides
- adjust star brightness parameters
- improve VOTable loader with default units and more safechecks
- clean up HiDPI themes, slightly reduce icon sizes and spacings
- add URL bar to file chooser
- add limits to particle sizes
- improve file chooser dialog
- particles get right name in focus info interface
- particle datasets may have per-particle names
- fix: remove rounding in generic dialog positioning for smooth rendering