Gaia Sky 2.3.0
Build c68fca318
TGZ package
no signature
DEB package .deb
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RPM package .rpm
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macOS .dmg
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UNIX Installer .sh
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Windows x86-64 .exe
no signature
Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- update name and source version number
- error in lib_math shader code
- remove default fade-out values in star groups, added to loading dialog
- interpolation limits in math shader library
- initial update not performed on fade node children if ct is off
- uncomment unhandled event debug info
- windows crash due to stars ‘*’ not being accepted in paths
- add notice concerning the selection of more than one Gaia catalog
- changing focus to different object in same particle group works
- default value for magnitude scale is 0, fix float validator range
- disable depth test for billboards
- inconsistencies with
- ensure non-empty field in search dialog
Build System
- fix build with text folder
- remove all absolute paths to project folder
Code Refactoring
- observer fields final, package name typo
- clean up gaia hacks, ray marching plubming
- post-processing subsystem made more generic
- move render system to java collections and streams
- improve readme listings
- update acknowledgements
- add iconic license
- add package-info package documentation, update changelog
- update server to
- add call to set ‘all visible’ dataset property
- add ‘invert X look axis’ additionally to Y
- axis power value and sensitivity in config window
- sliders now contain the value label
- sensitivity sliders for game controllers
- add tips to loading screen
- post-processor to accept external shader code in the data folder
- ray marching shaders
- raymarching post-processing shaders
- complete move to SDL-backed controllers
- full refactoring of controller mappings system
- interactive gamepad configuration
- add support for emissive textures, fix obj loading issue
- API call to modify solid angle threshold of orbits
- add properties for some star settings
- adjust size of star billboards
- add API call to scale orbits. Use with caution!
- distances in AU and parsec start at 0.1 mark
- add star brightness power setter to API